This game was built as a final project for CSC 103 at Berry College. Space Defender is inspired by the original 1978 "space invaders," but is built in processing and has 3 levels of increasing difficulty rather than just iterating the same gameplay at faster speeds like the original. With each level, the number of shields decreases and the aliens speed and the density of their formation increases. In addition to construction, it has a different look, but keeps true to the original theme. States are constructed for each end screen (start/home, lose, and win) and for each level (1,2,3) with one draw function being run each time, but each level has individual functions that run at the beginning of each state to give it a different setup, as well as a "mothership" existing only in the third level. Where space invaders had noninteractive ones that only gave extra points on being shot, this is more powerful (takes 15 shots to kill whereas aliens take 1), as well as firing its own shots that reduce player health by half instead of the smaller fixed increments of a shot from the blue aliens. Images of the start and end screens as well as each level are included below along with a video of the gameplay.
Space Defender

Space Defender
